I take privacy seriously and will only collect and use the minimum required information to effectively provide our services. I do not share or sell the information I collect and use it only for the purpose of providing holistic services.
At any time, you may request a copy of the information we have recorded about you. You may also request I remove all identifiable information with respect to yourself, however, for me to be able to offer my services to you I need to keep details of your full name, at least one contact telephone number, previous treatments you've had with me and any medical conditions that might affect any of the treatments I provide. As a matter of course, I will delete your identifiable information two years after your last treatment with me.
Due to the services I provide I am required to ask questions related to your medical history that might impact my treatments and services. The above information is necessary and essential for me to safely provide any treatments - without it I will be unable to offer you any of my services.
I do not undertake marketing by phone, post, or SMS text. I will only use email marketing and will first obtain your permission before doing so. My email marketing campaigns are automated and use rules based on services provided and information I collect from you. This may include marketing campaigns such as offers I run, articles or news relating to the treatments I offer, information on managing your appointments and other special events. Of course, you may opt out of receiving email marketing material at any time.
You may contact me at info@headtotoeholistictherapy.co.uk to:
• Request further information or seek clarification about my GDPR Privacy Policy Statement.
• Request information I have stored about you.
• Request that I remove all identifying information about you, however, I will no longer be able to provide any of my service(s) to you.
• Request I do not send you any marketing emails.